While you may be right in saying Athiests try to disprove god more than bible-thumpers try to
prove his existance.
You cannot say that athiests are as organized and thorough in their attempts to recruit, convert, and generally change the lives of people not in their sect.
Not to mention the sheer arrogance of the thiests, who will flat out tell you you're going to hell because of your lifestyle.
if you want to look at mainstream athiests trying to change every "little" thing. That's the least of your worries, try being gay and having the religious whacks trying to change your entire lifestyle.
Have any of you ever listened/watched to "The Atheist Viewpoint"? I'll admit that I haven't heard too many broadcasts (About two or three), but they quite frequently discuss religious viewpoints as they see it. Personally, I just don't see how this is any different than what you seem opposed to. A group of theists discussing atheism is fundamentally no different than a group of atheists discussing theism.
Not even close to a main-stream news organization airing such things. You tune into "The Athiest Viewpoint" as the title suggests, you are going to get exactly that... viewpoints of athiests. News organizations are not supposed to be biased, where as a program such as that it is expected.
I'd have to side with the school on this one. If one family had such a problem with Bible study, then they could have either requested that their child not be required to participate or, if that wasn't good enough for them, moved elsewhere (Which they eventually did). The beliefs of a few shouldn't infringe on the beliefs of the majority.
Where does it say in the constitution it's ok to infringe the rights of ANY group? This isn't a case of taking "seperation of church and state" to the extreme. As you probably know, the interpretation of that is more along the lines of "The Government will not establish a singular government sponsored religion" Public schools are government establishments, therefore they cannot sponsor any religions. This isn't argueable.
At the risk of sounding beligerent, my problem with atheists is that, many times, they're far more bigotted and intolerant than the religious people which they typically attack. Just take a look at any major atheist forum. They usually have a section dedicated to disproving other people's religious beliefs. In many cases it seems that atheists are more concerned with disproving other people's religions than they are living their own lives.
Explained in my last post.