I would love to see some of these debates on TV where athiests are discussing and trying to prove the non-existance of god.
I honestly doubt they exist, because what you just watched, was a news program. What is supposed to be an unbiased medium of spreading the facts, and knowledge of what is going on. How quick would a news station, in this country, air a program that alienates approx 90% of the population?
No, I don't think so.
They want athiests to shut up and not defend their right to speak out about what they believe are injustices? How is that any different that thiests speaking out about why they WANT prayer in school, and god on our money, and the pledge of allegiance?
You can thank the religious of this country, for sunday afternoon barbecue, when you've run out of beer, and you can't go to convenience store and pick up a 12pack of bud light. And they want to talk about oppression? Cry me a fucking river.
Kill people everyday because of your "Religion". Lie, Cheat, Steal, all in the name of religion, Every single day. Sure athiests do this as well, but you aren't going to tell me or anyone else with a lick of common sense that it happens as much, or for the same fervent reasons.
I'll also clear this up a bit, No, I'm not an athiest bashing thiests, No I'm not a thiest bashing on athiests.
I think athiests are dumb, just dumb. Ohhh but I won't leave out the thiestic right! I think they are dumb, equally dumb as the athiests. I won't be attaching my name to either list until something pretty significant happens.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.