Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
I equate it this way: I smoke, drink, cuss, have tattoos and piercings. I'm also a teacher. I don't allow my students to see that aspect of my personality because it's not appropriate for them. However, once I get home, I allow myself to indulge in that other aspect of my personality.
And that is *exactly* why I wasn't able to last long as a high school teacher.
(Although THEY seemed to think I engaged in drunken orgies and crack smoking on a regular basis, which cracked me up.)
I guess I'm really not very good at segregating different parts of my personality... I've always kind of struggled with that. I am who I am who I am. So I guess that's the main reason I'm not terribly interested in working to create another persona elsewhere. Not to say I won't continuing observing the new place... just that I won't participate, not for a while at least.
But thanks for your insight, JJ... I appreciate it.