While I can agree with almost everything Willravel posts in this forum I must point out how ironic it is that Ipods are simply the better mp3 player because they dominate "80% of the market" but Microsoft's share of the operating system market is nothing more than meaningless specs.
It all boils down to personal preference.
Just because we have't gotten a virus doesn't mean we are not vigilant in protecting our systems. Apple has a crack team of programmers that's only job is staying succesful against those who would create virisus and worms and trojans. We get security updates just like you do, the marked difference is our security is 100% preventative.
You say this as if everyone at Microsoft twiddles their thumbs until the service calls come in - having an operating system that isn't popular enough to have have many viruses written for it isn't revolutionary, especially when most viruses are caught through misuse or negligence. When Apple releases a Mac that is impervious to attacks when I go
looking for viruses or at the very least a mac that can withstand a latte being spilled into it then I'll be more than willing enough to deem them better than PCs.
It amazes me that people can still have this argument.
While the iPhones tech goodies certainly seem worth of a fondle, I can't imagine how people could prefer it or any other PDA to a camera equipped cellphone and laptop. The iPhone has the obvious size advantage but when you factor in the fact that low-voltage processors are readily available, larger capacity batteries are being developed and ultra-portable laptops are only getting smaller you'll start to see that the iPhones advantages really aren't that significant.