I would think that anal would be even more out there for evangelicals, not okay because it's not in the vagina. I think it's just that her journey's brought her to a spot where that really -is- vanilla to her. She's evolved
. Abaya, your comment that this should be the evolution of sexuality really struck home with me. I realize that I should be changing my opinions on sexuality, but I also realize that while I'm in one stage of growth right now, that will end. I'm becoming okay with more and more things, but at some point I want that to end. I'm not quite sure where yet...I'm fairlyreasonablyabsolutely sure that scat and other stuff will never even seriously cross my mind...but golden showers? I dunno...I've heard it described as a fluid connection between two people, so hell if I know. I'm not okay with it now, but I thought analingus was the most out there in the world four short months ago, and look where I am now.
Long story short, the stage of growth I'm in right now, and you were in it seems, is to be okay with more and more things. It seems like you've reached the edge, and you want more - you want the growth to continue? Well, perhaps it won't be at the same pace. Maybe instead of more breadth, you'll add more depth. You'll learn subtle tricks to play, or just learn to work more enjoyment out of specific things, or...I dunno
. I think you might just want to possibly revise your view of wanting to continue your exponential growth here.
Pigglet, I definitely agree that some vanilla things are going to be my favorite things no matter how far I go. I mean...ever since I learned of them, I think blowjobs have been the most intimate, sexual, amazing thing you could possibly do to someone - and I've never even had one still! That'll change soon, I believe
but that doesn't stop me from realizing that it's going to be one of the best things for me (I think. Actual experience will let me know for certain