I find it curious that mainstream rightwing thought is often characterized by those on the left side of the median line as "extreme." Here is a helpful rule of thumb: if it is the kind of idea that shows up without fuss in <i>National Review</i>, it's mainstream right. If <i>NR</i> tosses the speaker, as it did to Anne Coulter, and, I believe, to Pat Buchanan (whom many of the NR staffers regard as anti-Semitic) it's extreme right. Rush Limbaugh is mainstream right.
Trying to redefine the terms so that anyone X distance to the right of you is "extreme" isn't really fair. Plus, it's overly simplistic. I, for instance, don't particularly care for social conservatism or religious influence in politics. But I'm a quite adamant free marketer. Am I an extremist? There are plenty of people like me.