Originally Posted by BurntToast
After searching google and the asus site... it seems that the particular board that you have has been plagued by sound problems.
Maybe flash the bios if you haven't done that yet... other than that I am stumped.
Wow, amazing what you don't find while your searching BEFORE you buy a motherboard....
Sorry its been a few days since my last response, I've been out of town. Basically I've said "screw it". I'm formating my external hardrive, loading windows onto it, and running my old laptop from it (the laptops hard drive crashed). I know the laptop can run sound and a mike, I'm just gonna use my main computer for music and gaming, and the laptop for Ventrilo.
Thanks for all the advice. I would flash the BIOS, but I'd really rather not mess with the BIOS too much unless it becomes unavoidable.
Originally Posted by flat5
Are you using Skype?
Nope, the name sounds familiar but I'm drawing a blank on it.