To copy Sage - please help me find this book!
I saw how easily Sage was able to find her beloved book so I thought I would give it a try as well...
I really can't remember much about this book except for the fact that it made an impression on me. We had to read it in English class (possibly for grade eight or grade nine). It was a fantasy novel I believe and was sort of based around the kids being trained for a war of some sort. They were at a school and had all these 'classes' where they would fight against one another. I think the students even had different status (general, lieutenant, etc).
I vaguely recall the cover being dark blue - and that's all I can remember.
If this rings a bell with anyone, I will be deeply grateful and indebited to you! This book has always been in the back of my mind and I've been wanting to find it again to read it as an adult and see what it was that made such an impression and caused it to stick around in my thoughts.
Thanks in advance!!!