Host, thanks in great part to your efforts here, it should be apparent to tfp members that we can no longer trust our government and it's agencies, as Lucado would hope. "Killing Hope" made that quite clear to me, but how do we as citizens overcome our own sense of lost hope in the promise of "we the people?"
I believe the reason we have allowed all that has been done in our name is that we must believe in the myth that is or was America. Tearing down the myth and looking honestly at what the government has come to be would be next to impossible for most American citizens. To paraphrase you, "we know what we know" because to do otherwise would drive a stake through the heart of our "America."
Is it possible to save the body, without removing the invisible cancer? If you choose to avoid recognizing the cancer, the body will eventually die. What will it take for "good" Americans to "get it?"