Originally Posted by Charlatan
I am really looking forward to this. If they can keep in the same tone as Begins, it's going to rock.
I couldn't agee more. Begins was a true and pure breath of fresh air that actually managed to get me forgetting Val Kilmer and George Cloony. For that, Noal and Bale will always have my gratitude.
My only suggestion (if Nolan is reading this) is to clean up the fight scenes. Whoever edited the fight scenes on BB really isn't familiar with fight cutting, which is a very serious art. As a student of film, I know how difficult it can be, and my main suggestion would be to learn to fight yourself. What you want to do, even with Batman who is supposed to be hidden in the shadows, is film similarly to when you film a dance scene. You need to catch the angles that will take advantage of expressive movement, like a strike that imobilizes an enemy. If you move around too much, you'll distract the audience and rob people of the amazing abilities of Christian Bale, who we all know can do fight scenes really really well. I'd also suggest keeping Bale's eyes in several shots. I don't know why, but it really can help the actor communicate quite a bit.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I also think they are bang on correct in a) not killing Joker and b) having only one villain in the film.
Amen. Catwoman + Penguin was a mistake (though not as bad as the Riddler/Two-Face or Ivey/Freeze/Bane combinations).
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I think Ledger is an interesting choice too. If Nolan can keep some of his worst elements reigned in, then it will be all good.
Can Ledger act? I've seen most of his work (10 Things I Hate About You, The Patriot, A Knight's Tale, Monster's Ball, The Order, Casanova), though I missed that Brokeback movie.