Ya, I agree with the general consensus.
I am twenty-three years old. I currently live with my parents.
I mean I have the "loser" factor that some people may see of me, but fuck 'em.
I mean it is not like I am not getting along with my parents. Sure I fight with them sometimes, but I have a SUV, which I can drive to somewhere if I really do not want to deal with my parents.
I mean I always have the option to walk or something. I just gotta recognize when to steer clear of them to avoid a fight.
It is their house. I am lucky they are kind enough to let me stay.
I go to school and have about a year left to graduate.
I decided though I may not want to graduate and am attending community college next semester to take some fun classes. Ya, I guess I could be considered spoiled/immature to some of you. Bite me.
I was doing the rent thing with roomates for a while, but I didn't like that. I could not juggle school fulltime, fulltime job, rent, social relationships with strangers/friends in my living quarters.
The way things were going was for me was was like this:
living with parents -> living in dorms with roomates -> living with parents -> Living with roomates in apartment
The next step was for me to get a girlfriend, move out and get married.
Now, I believe that there was no where in there for me to live by myself and figure myself out there.
Now that I live with my parents again, my next step is to get a place that I pay rent myself. I want to be completely financially independant of my parents when I move out.
I want a bachelor pad. The batchelor pad is serriously in jeapordy of getting phased out of society and people's lives in my opinion, which gives me a business idea to start services for batchelors moving out getting a place that they live in themselves without roomates to please. DON'T STEAL MY IDEA FUCKERS.
Anyways, do not get married to some girl you have been dating for four months unless you want to be miserable untill you get a divorce. The fact you have already discussed that already is scaring me. You are twenty one years old right now. You are JUST NOW reaching the prime of your life, assuming you live for another 40+ years. It may be a bad idea to commit so early in life. I am not saying do not be her boyfriend, just wait a bit.
So ya, I am in the same situation, although I am not as happy as I know I can possibly be at the moment, it is better than me jumping into a fucked up situation where I am living off of debt and not owning a damn thing, not even myself, owing everyone for everything that I have.
I at least can see where I need to go in the near future, but right now I am sitting pretty, the moment that I cannot hang in the present anymore, I will move on. Homelessness is not out of the picture.
It is better to have nothing than to have shit that belongs to other people.