Originally Posted by analog
If this is a dig, as I think it might be (but I can't honestly see how it isn't meant to be one), then I say I am disappointed in how personally insulting it is. I will assume, for the time being, that it wasn't, and wait on you to confirm or deny it. I could be wrong but, at the moment, I'm giving the benefit of the doubt even though I'm less than pleased.
It's not a dig, and i'm pretty sure you'd make a great paramedic.
It's odd that you say that, seeing as how I was correct, and it is not a universal truth. Also, as has been brought up before- just because your words are sincere does not mean they can't also be condescending... and I think that's where you're mixing the two. Just because you truly believe you're saying something for someone's benefit (and in some cases, you may be), doesn't mean you're not talking down to them.
I'm not talking about whether being a parent is actually the most fulfilling thing one can do, all i'm saying is that it is okay for someone to think that being a parent is the most fulfilling one can do. It doesn't bother me because i don't have to agree with them.
As for condescension, well, if you feel condescended to by me stating a fact, then that sucks for you.
I also have never, ever claimed to understand what it feels like to be a parent. I also didn't say anything about what being a parent means to a parent- I said you can't universally apply your opinion to all people. It's a very straightforward concept.
I think that a more selective use of pronouns on your part would have made that clear much earlier.
For instance when you said this:
Originally Posted by analog
I think it's a hilarious tragedy that people think making a child (something any male and female with working genitals have been able to do for the entirety of our existence) is the most fulfilling thing they can do...
I assumed you meant
they as in the people who made the child. I can't really see how you could have meant anything else by this. Your statement here doesn't speak of any sort person A applying a universal opinion to all people. Your statement here seems like a straight-up condemnation of anyone who decides for themselves that having a child is the most fulfilling thing they can do. That sounds suspiciously like you were trying to apply your opinion universally. From what you're saying now it seems like you didn't actually mean what you said.
Unfortunately, what you said came across as pretty arrogant, especially when you tacked on the pithy line about breeders. It's the kind of post that if you see some rookie in politics say something like it you think, "This person isn't going to be around long." I mean really, do you honestly think that it is appropriate to mock all parents? As if we are all of one mind? Do you really think saying something like that reflects well upon your intellect? Saying shit like that is what makes people stop talking and start talking shit.
I'm sorry, I didn't catch it before... my answer is that i've never said I have credibility on what it's like to be a parent, and my assertion that you cannot universally apply an opinion to all people does not hold parenting as a prerequisite.
See my quote from above. Your prior assertion that it is false for someone to think that having a baby is the most fulfilling thing they can do seems to presume some sort of awareness of the experience of being a parent. Otherwise, how can you claim that someone's sense of fulfillment is mistaken when you've never experienced that particular sense of fulfillment?
Just to be clear: I don't really disagree with your position as you are currently stating it. It's just that what you said initially doesn't seem to agree with what you are saying now.
Yeah I know, you quoted it before I'd gone back and re-read a bit later... it's long since been changed... not sure what my fingers were thinking at the time, but you can take my word for it as a mindless mistake or not, your choice.
I believe you.