Originally Posted by shakran
We have invaded and overthrown a government that had done nothing to us and did not have the capabilities of doing anything to us. Then we mismanaged that war so terribly that the end of it isn't even in sight, and we have most likely started a civil war that may well degenerate into a regional war, and perhaps grow even larger than that since all the other countries will get interested once their oil supply is in question.
We have then, through no-bid contracts, wasted BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars by letting Haliburton and a few others corrupt their way to riches, all acquired on the backs of the poor and middle class tax payers.
We have allowed a man to be appointed by a council of judicial ministers rather than to be elected by the public, then when he ran for election in 2004 we have allowed suspect voting machines (I promise to deliver Ohio for President Bush, said the CEO of Diebold) to call in to question even that election. In short, our leader, is not our rightful leader.
If this isn't bad enough to make you think we need to stop the government, NOW, then I don't have any idea what it would take to get you angry enough.
As a journalist, you should know that people will ONLY get riled up enough when they are PERSONALLY and PHYSICALLY affected by government oppression. A botched war, misspent billions, and troops dying for little to nothing are never going to be enough to start any kind of focused action against the government.
Originally Posted by shakran
Why don't we start shooting? Because there aren't enough of us, and it wouldn't do any good. Even if 25% of the country rose up to fight the government, our pistols, rifles, and shotguns cannot hope to defeat the military. And, once they'd killed or arrested all of us, there would be that much less of a check on the runaway power of the neoconservative movement. In short, at this point, until more people get angry, a revolution would be a very dumb idea.
What is the population of this country? 300 million...approximately? 25% is 75 million people. 75 million vs. 5 million and you think that the government would still defeat us? enough threadjack though, in regards to this particular subject and taxation.....rebellion has been done for excess taxation in the past...if it continues, it will eventually happen again.