Originally Posted by Redjake
Yeah, pretty much
By the way, to give a fair comparison, I just busted open my new Xbox 360, and Gears of War has at least as good graphics as Resistance: Fall of Man for PS3, if not better. Xbox 360 is insanely powerful. It's a good purchase.
Interesting factoid, though - it took Xbox 360 a year to get a game that had that great of graphics, and PS3 had one with similar graphics on launch day - all food for thought. Looks like both systems will have INSANE graphics by the end of the shelf-time.
My thoughts exactly, there wasn't one game at the 360's launch that I would have even considered worth buying. Now that GoW is out though, I am fairly certain I want to get one. I also want a PS3 real bad (mostly for FFXIII, White Knight Story, and Lair) but that will be in the future. The 360 also had a really shakey start just like the PS3 has, except the 360 didn't have any other competitors at it's launch and the PS3 did.
And my point was exactly what Mage said, to get the same functionality out of a 360 you have to spend more money equivalent to the price of the PS3 to get it.