Originally Posted by magictoy
I'm curious about your last statement, though, since I've repeatedly seen it said that online purchases should never be made with a debit card. The reason is that with a credit card, you can get the charge reversed, whereas with a debit card, the money is gone, and small claims is just about your only option.
Never use a debit card as it's tied to your checking account. Once it's tagged the money is gone until you resolve a dispute.
You can always dispute a charge within 60 days of your statement. That's what I plan to do with this charge and things will work out by the time the next xtatement rolls around. I've had to dispute several times over the years (I'm pretty old) and I've never had a problem since I'm following their rules.
I've even disputed something and received a credit from the bank in the middle of the dispute only to have the vendor make it right - but the credit had already been issued by the bank anyway. I felt bad and sent the vendor a check since they did finally resolve things.