Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Regardless, you have to change something and you have to take some risks.
This is it in a nutshell. You have to *CHANGE* some thing(s) about your life--it's NOT going to be convenient, or easy. You won't get full sign-off approval from everyone. It won't be immediately clear that you're doing exactly the right/smartest/most financially logical thing. You may have to make several different starts in several different directions before you find what works for you. And even after that point you're going to have to continue to work to refine it to your satisfaction.
It's like going to a restaurant and ordering only one thing ever, something that you detest (liver, for instance :P), because it's the top item on the menu, it's the easiest thing, it's the cheapest thing, and your parents really only want you to eat that because they know they like it. You don't even have to vocalize to order it, just point and grunt and the waiters bring it to you because that's all you ever get anyways.
Is that the kind of life you want to live? Obviously not. Then get up off your butt and get into a different restaurant! You cannot live your life for the approval of others, even that of your parents. That's all you've done so far, and look where it's gotten you!
You definitely have the ability to change your life. You're more than halfway through college, you can certainly finish the rest. It's far better to take out loans for the rest of your schooling than complete school debt-free and suicidally unhappy, right?
So many people have been where you are right now, and believe it or not, this absolutely can be an exciting turning point in your life Right Here and Now. *This* is the day you stop rolling in your emotional vomit, clean yourself up, and change your life! There's nothing better.
I can tell from your writing that you are smart and capable of doing this. Nothing is holding you back except yourself. You're like a hawk in a cage, tied only with an old bit of string. How long are you going to allow yourself to be denied what is yours--the whole blue, open, free sky.
I too used to be that hawk in a cage. When I busted out, I was shocked and appalled at how long I had wasted my life in that self-imposed cage. Hopefully you won't waste so much time.
Oh, and you *better* come back here and post your reactions to our advice, as well as updates to your situation.

I'm smiling, and I mean it.