I have never gotten comments like that sweetpea, but if I was at the coffee shop with you I would probably retort the comment. That is just plain rude and in cases like that I rarely let it slide. I have gotten comments on how I look but very few in the way of truly negative things.
Personally, the only reason I compare myself to others is for ideas on styles and makeups. I know that some people are more blessed than myself but it would appear that I did not get the short stick. I am 5'3" and 110 pounds but I am still young. By looking at my older sisters and my mother I know that I will have issues keeping my weight down as my body matures but I am not all that concerned with it. I do exercise and eat reasonably well, not as much as I should but I've been rock climbing so my arms are getting buff. I can spend alot of time getting dressed or a small amount of time, it really depends on what I feel like. I love to look good because it makes me feel good but I love the way my body looks so I am comfortable with alot of different things.
However I have noticed that my boyfriend prefers me dressed down, I don't think he understands that I dress up for myself and not him or anyone else. Anyone have that problem with their SO?