Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Uhm, called into question != debunked.
When applied to reason, the books that form the bible can each be explained away as exaggeration, misrepresentation, misunderstanding, and intentional indoctrination for the purpouses of control. I recall there being a blow-by-blow thread somewhere in the depths of philosophy, maybe I'll look for it later. Bottom line: the bible is the story of the supernatural. In order to really believe in the supernatural, you must have faith more powerful than reason. If you find out that your faith is placed in something falable, what reason is there to keep your faith? Also, when I say "called into question", I mean applied to science and logic. The bible automatically fails that test.
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
And perhaps God allowed an imperfect Bible for the same reason - often given - for all other forms of deception in the world, hell, the same reason given for all imperfections in the world: it's another test, another trial, designed to make us stronger. You don't have to buy it, but it's buyable and your dichotomy's false.
Not at all. That's the same thing as the "we can't understand God" argument. It's not an argument, it's a supernatural excuse, and all circular arguments about the supernatural end the same way: the faithful say "it's a matter of faith", and the non-faithful say, "I win".
Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Besides, there's other versions of God that don't require the bible at all. Deism, for one.
Well this thread is about radical Christian Jerry Falwell, so the bible is a good place to start.