Originally Posted by Ch'i
I'd be willing to bet a sizeable sum of money that many christian preachers either don't know, or understand the bible and its teachings. Its like a blind person driving a car.
It's not that. Religious leaders have been cherry picking from the bible since Gutenberg first printed it.
"Hey the bible says gay sex is a sin!"
And the same section also condones slavery. Funny how the religious leaders don't advocate that.
"The bible says God is all knowing"
And yet for some reason he constantly needs to test us, even though if he's all knowing he already knows what the results will be. The bible tells us that when God told Abraham to kill his own son, it was to test his faith. But since he's all knowing and therefore knows if Abraham is faithful or not, the only logical conclusion is that God is a sadistic jerk who's playing cruel mind games with poor Abraham. Combine that with modern day "tests of faith" (kids born with horrendous birth defects, little girls getting raped, etc etc) and the only logical conclusion is that either the bible is full of shit, or God is an asshole. I'm gonna go with option 1 there, considering the bible was passed down orally for hundreds of years before finally being written down. So even if god DID dictate the bible to the select scholars who were hidden from general society and could offer no conclusive proof that what they were saying was real beyond the fact that they said it was real (catching the sarcasm here?), human error has certainly twisted the original word of "god" into something with an entirely different meaning.