Jerry "I am Retarded" Fallwell
I subscibe to the Jerry Falweel Newsletter moslty for entertainment. I am, however a believer, but find Falwell a little over the top. Here is the latest letter from him.
From: Jerry Falwell
Date: December 15, 2006
War on Christmas Continues: ‘Joy to the World’ Revised as Sex Romp
Liberals continue to proclaim that there is “no war on Christmas” in our nation.
This week, Alan Colmes, co-host of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity and Colmes,” attempted to convince my buddy Franklin Graham that this war did not exist. Thankfully, Franklin shrewdly countered this notion by noting that there is indeed an accelerating effort by secularists in America to annihilate expressions of Christmas and Christianity.
The effort is so obvious one would think that even the liberals could see it.
But apparently not.
Earlier this week, a broadcast on CBS proved to be the perfect reminder of how the so-called mainstream media have determined that it is perfectly appropriate to offend millions of Christians during this holy season.
On the series “Two and a Half Men,” actor Charlie Sheen (who portrays the self-indulgent Charlie Harper) is seen singing his own rendition of the Christmas carol “Joy to the World,” which heralds the miraculous coming to earth of Jesus Christ.
In his depraved version of the song, Charlie sings about planning to have sexual relations with a woman because it’s their “second date.”
Readers may view the “Two and a Half Men” clip on
( ).
Be warned, it is overtly sexual and offensive.
It’s really disappointing that CBS, which has a long history of excellent dramas and comedies, would stoop this low. Network President Les Moonves ought to be ashamed.
Ironically, the CBS website carries this statement: “As broadcasters, we aim to ensure that our national viewing audience is reflected in our programming and our people.”
Oh really? Show us one evangelical Christian on the network, Mr. Moonves. Millions of Christians certainly watch the network, so shouldn’t there be at least one representation, according to CBS’ own statement?
Apparently not.
Further, imagine CBS reworking the inspiring words of Dr. Martin Luther King or a portion of the Koran with a character proclaiming he will soon be having a sexual romp.
It simply would not happen. But Jesus is another story.
Comedy Central proved earlier this year the hypocrisy of the networks when it allowed its “South Park” series to show Jesus defecating on President Bush but refused to show a representation of Mohammed. The network replaced the image with a black screen carrying this statement: “Comedy Central has refused to broadcast an image of Mohammed on their network.”
Conversely, Christianity and Jesus Christ are habitually objects of scorn and/or mockery on the broadcast and cable networks, even during this most sacred of seasons.
Meanwhile, people across America continue to be harassed because of their faith.
Liberty Counsel reports that it is being “inundated with calls from all across the nation” from folks who have experienced bullying relating to their expressions of Christmas.
Here are just a few examples:
In Fayetteville, Ark., McNair Middle School removed a teacher’s Nativity scene and Star of David from a larger display that also included secular holiday decorations. After Liberty Counsel sent a legal memorandum showing that the display was constitutional, school officials reversed the ban.
In Ohio, a public school teacher was told not to say “Merry Christmas” in class. Again, Liberty Counsel sent a legal memo to the district superintendent and an administrator has now advised teachers that they may say “Merry Christmas.”
In Wisconsin, a public school employee was told by the principal that a musical program scheduled to take place in a church was going to be moved to a different location. Liberty Counsel sent a legal memo about Christmas to the school. After receiving the memo, the principal decided to keep the event at the church.
In Orlando, Fla., seniors in a retirement home received a directive to strip the common areas of any religious symbols or words in Christmas displays. At the management’s direction, an employee actually cut the wings off the angel on the Christmas tree. Liberty Counsel is at work in this case.
Mathew Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel and dean of the Liberty University School of Law, said, “There is a war on Christmas in this country. Every victory goes a long way toward winning the battle, but we must not take Christmas or our religious freedom for granted. Celebrating Christmas is the classic example of religious accommodation mandated by the First Amendment. If Christmas is silenced or censored, we all lose a piece of our religious freedom.”
No War on Christmas? You’d have to be “the Grinch” himself not to see it. There is indeed such a war and Christians are in the crosshairs. We must continue to stand up for our rights, my friends. If we don’t, it is readily apparent that they will be quickly eradicated.
Note: Below is contact information to CBS for readers wishing to complain about the “Two and a Half Men” episode:
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
Main Number: 212-975-4321
Below is the letter I wrote to Mr. Falwell. I think I am right on, but this guy is kind of a under supported Hilter type. Wow Could you imagine the world if this guy had his way.
I just finished reading your letter about the CDS show Two and a Half Men. I have to say I found the article and the claim to be rather over the top. Did you miss the part where Kandy, another character in the show, changed the words of Jingle Bells? Do you think the writer of the original song may be offended? I doubt it. I am a regular viewer of the show and have found that this particular show is actually rather tame compared to some other shows on primetime. To get offended at something like this simply because you feel that this would not be done with another belief or with other civil liberties leader’s words is ridiculous. I don’t think that Muslims celebrate Christmas since it is a celebration of a God they do not believe existed, so then why would CBS choose to throw something about the Koran in an episode that was about a Christmas party that was never supposed to happen. You also have to understand that Christmas is the predominate celebration this time of year and to quote saying about Kwanza or Islam or Buddha would most likely not be understood or humorous to the demographic that watches Two and a Half Men. I believe there is a war on Christmas and I believe that Christians are losing. More should be done. It is not your responsibility to speak for millions of Christians nationwide. Doing that would result in the Conservative coalition becoming little more than a Christian ACLU or NAACP. Understand that all of these organizations believe that their ideas are correct and are willing to fight for it. This ideal is not unlike yours. I doubt that every idea the ACLU has is supported by every liberal or that every black person supports every idea that the NAACP throws out there. This idea you have about Two and a Half Men is not much unlike that. Two and a Half Men is a comedy television Show and is not to be taken seriously. It was meant to be funny and make people laugh. To think that the writers at CBS are attacking Christianity is a little big-headed. Get over yourself and grow up. Reach the world. Oh yeah if you did actually watch the show and this little bit of the song offended you, then maybe you should pay attention to the rest of the show. It gets much worse.
Anyway what do y'all think?
"Two men: one thinks he can. One thinks he cannot. They are Both Right."