Originally Posted by mixedmedia
Sorry, but your conviction that John Bolton's main purview and concern at the UN was to save innocent lives is rather disingenuous, don't you think? And for that matter, conservatives are coming to the "we must stop genocide and the world's injustice" party rather late. But hey, better late than never. We won't turn you away at the door.
Why did you use the term "genocide" isn't that harsh? You buddies at the UN don't think its genocide.
On September 18, 2004, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1564, which called for a Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to assess the Sudanese conflict. The UN report released on January 31, 2005 stated that while there were mass murders and rapes, they could not label it as genocide because "genocidal intent appears to be missing".
Why don't they call it "genocide" perhaps they are being diplomats, while people die. In my opinion Bolton was not aggressive enough. Now that he leaves we will send some one even more interested in not offending people, while others die.
P.S. Are you one of those Beta-zoids, like Deanna Troy from Startrek, where you can read my emotions and know how sincere I am and other conservatives? Or are you just trying to be offensive?