Originally Posted by The_Jazz
My problem with Bolton had nothing to with his politics as his personality. Frankly, I don't want a condescending asshole representing my country. It's insulting to the rest of the world to have a guy like Bolton acting as our face in the world's venting mechanism (make no mistake, that's pretty much all the UN was ever designed to be). Having a strong opinion and voicing it are par for the course and an absolute job requirement but doing it in a manner that belittles and denigrades those with opposing views is uncalled for and exactly what Bolton was notorious for doing his entire career.
I agree with this sentiment, although I do certainly disagree with Bolton's politics in that he seems to share the same
stubborn and condescending view of US foreign policy as those who put him in the UN. This tack has been a miserable failure for the US and for the life of me I cannot understand anyone who wholeheartedly supports it at this juncture.