crack in folds of skin between vag and anus
I have been to the doctor many times this year, both my physician and gyno and now I'm going to see a specialist. I have dry, itchy skin around my vagina and anus... especially in the folds of skin and my crack. It doesn't seem to go away even when I abstain from sex. I've tried A&D Diaper Rash ointment, Aquafor, and Gold Bond Powder. I heard it's a good idea to get a lot of air circulation, so I quit wearing thongs and only wear cotton underwear now. I also quit using Tide and now use a hypoallergenic detergent. I've had herpes in the past, several years ago, but have no herpetic lesions, only dry, cracked, irritated skin! I also tested negative for herpes and Bechet's disease.
Here is my advice to all of you: Definately visit a gyno, but be proactive also and do your own research first! You might also want to get a biopsy. Here are some things this could be:
Candida (yeast infection)
Lichen schlerosis
Urinary tract infection
Vulvular vestibulitis
Lichen planus
Herpes or other STD
Bacterial Vaginosis
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Syndrome
Auto-immune deficiency
The best of luck to everyone!