Originally Posted by sasKuach
I dunno, but the threat of pain and loss of sight doesn't really stack up to being dead. I'd much rather be maced or stunned than be shot. By a huge margin. I've thought about letting some friends do it to me just to see what it's like. That's NOT the kind of deterent I want to present. If something sounds like fun to try, it's not enough to stop people.
A gernade would probably be even scarier than a gun, why not carry gernades?
Originally Posted by sasKuach
We're reading your posts, Will, but I just can't think of a better way to put it than: condiments are not as scary as guns. That's why we need to use guns on criminals. I want to scare the bloody piss out of them. I want criminals scared to leave their holes. Mace will not do that.
A shoulder mounted missile is a lot scarrier than a little gun, why not carry them? If you realyl want to scare the piss out of someone, aim a bazooka at them.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
In fact, 3 cans of mace in those girls' purses wouldn't have done jack shit.
In OPINION, 3 cans of mace in those girls' purses wouldn't have done jack shit. In my opinion, it very easily been enough to deter them. Also, whos' to say that a gun would have saved these girls? I think that's making a very big assumption. What if one of the girls would have pulled a gun and shot and missed? What if one of the assailents grabbed the gun? Now we have armed assailents. It could have been even worse with guns.