Originally Posted by Moskie
So for people who found this offensive: can you suggest a way to make fun of people like Flava Flav, who are begging to be mocked, without being racist? or are we not allowed to make fun him and the fashion trend of people like him, because he's black and majority of people who partake in these fasions are black?
look, these people are making fun of a retarded fashion trend. nothing more. if you interpret that as being racist, then you're fishing for an argument when there should be none.
It wasn't a "make fun of Flava" party. It was a "make fun of black people" party.
I'm not going to go so far as to say they should be punished for what they did, but it was a pretty ignorant thing to do and if they caught some flak for it, well boo-hoo. If one of my kids was involved in something like that they'd certainly get the pointy end of my opinion, too. Funny thing though, my kids would find such a party to be distasteful and would say so because that's the way they were brought up. It's the way I was brought up. My parents grew up in the South in a world where black people were fair game as the brunt of white people's jokes, including in their own families. They made a point of breaking that cycle of racism with their own kids much to the chagrin at times of my grandparents. Too many people have lost touch with exactly how ugly a mark racism has left on America in our all too recent past. I think the sensitivity on this issue should not only be expected but also called for.