Originally Posted by dc_dux
I agree. There is alot to fault with the UN, but diplomacy requires a capacity to address the important geo-political and humanitarian issues, as well as the many institutional issues on UN shortcomings, in a manner that demonstrates some level of civilitly towards those with whom you diagree. That is not one of Bolton's strengths, to say the least.
Here is something else to make you laugh.
Personally I don't have fantasies of diplomats sitting around a fire singing Kum Ba Ya. For sure diplamacy requires civility, but most important it requires resolve and fortitude. Both of which are Bolton's strenghts. When lives and freedoms are on the line diplomacy is for the tough.
I know you will be tempted but I fully understand the problems with making generalizations, calling me names, etc, etc, won't add value to the discussion, but to be an effective diplomat one has to understand the cultures of the people they are dealing with. People from the middle east percieve those willing to easily compromise as weak, they have no respect for those they percieve as weak. If you are percieved as weak, diplomacy will fail. Bolton is just the kind of guy we need at this time in the UN.
Are you saying we should have someone like Canada's UN Ambassador? Or, give an example of who you think would do a better job than Bolton and why?