Originally Posted by sasKuach
LOL... ahem. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. I just KNOW I'm chickenshit about "doing" anything with girls. Last party I went to the fire alarm went off and I found myself outside alone with this one girl. I KNOW I should've done something, but it was too fucking cold. Teeth chattering cold. Would you have tried it in that situation?
Well, first things first: outside, teeth chattering - tough to go in cold, so to speak. However, if you can pull the "gee whiz it's cold, you want my jacket..." thing - huddle for warmth!!! I'm not saying you need to necessarily get bizzy after the parties, but do something. I'm not even saying you need to do something after the parties, all I'm saying is that post party isolation is a well known route to get to knowing the person better, etc. People in the "real world" do this too. They just do it by leaving bars at 1 am. This is what you'll do after you graduate. Then, when you get too old to drink, you'll get them out of knitting circles and book clubs and denny's, but you'll still be pulling the whole isolation move. It sounds like you're saying that 1. these chicks are fliriting with you, but it sounds like you never engage too much. it would be easy for you to leave them with an overall so-so impression after that. if you then get in touch with them and you sound super nervous, then you're going to have hit molly ringwald or ally sheedy for it to work out. now, you're wondering who in the fuck are molly ringwald and ally sheedy, and why did i just reference them? and that's what you get for not being old.

on top of maybe giving some body or verbal cues of nervousness, if your actual words are Tally Ho and Charge Ahead - I could see how that particular mixture might work out to a cool shot of the Stalker Special.
Good news is - time will work it out. If monkey and dogs figure out how to pair up and get it on, then you too will have success in this endeavor.