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Old 11-03-2006, 09:08 PM   #13 (permalink)
Sure as hell is worth it.

Like everyone has said in this thread, it's always best to take that money you're saving for a fancy car or whatever and save your life. Can you really put a price on your life??
To get a little more personal (see my journal for the whole story) my father just recently passed away because of a combination of heart attacks and strokes in succession over a very short period of time. But there wasn't much they could do in his case, as he was already on blood thinners due to his cancer, but had to take him off of them because he had one severe stroke that damaged one entire side of his brain, and to put him on blood thinners would have just killed him faster than give him a chance. But this is a unique story, as there were so many problems with his body to begin with. It was incredibly painful to leave the hospital at midnight and come back around 8am or so and see that your loved one has gotten worse from a stroke.
So please, I'm begging everyone in the TFP: learn the signs and symptoms of a stroke like the back of your hand. Any symptom is a sign of stroke, don't expect them all, and take care of that person ASAP, as strokes are ongoing, and unpredictable.
Here's some links to beef up on the signs and how to react:
American Heart Organization
Heart & Stroke Foundation
How to care for a Stroke
Stroke Association
I'll say it just one last time, know the signs of a stroke and heart attack, as both are serious problems where time is vital to saving one's life, react fast, but with knowledge, not in a panic. Trust me, if you don't learn to recognize the signs of these two common health risks, it might happen when you least expect it, and you could regret it for the rest of your life, when the signs were right in front of your face.
settie is offline  

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