Maybe this should be about disinfranchised voters, broken or tampered with voting machines, liars, cheats and stolen votes instead of an 80 year old bitch who's too stupid to keep herself out of court. J. Kenneth Blackwell R(former Co-Chair of the Bush/Cheney campaign), who's the Ohio Secretary of State, is running the election AND running for governor. Conflict of interest much?
Back in 2004, in Ohio, there were 22,000 overvotes for Bush in a nonrandom pattern in heavily Democratic districts. There were prepunched ballots in Cleveland. They 'accedentally' purged 24% of the voters in Cleveland (Cleveland, that was heavily in support of Kerry) because of an 'electronic glitch'. The guess (by investigators) is that 500,000 voters were dropped in Ohio, all from democratic areas. In many rural areas in Ohio, the abentee balloits were ran twice. Diebold CEO Wally O'Dell, in 2003, sent out a fund raising letter that said he would guerentee that Ohio's electoral votes would go to Goerge W. Bush. He also raised $200,000 for the Bush campaign. Google the 'Mighty Texas Strike Force'.
Go vote, but please follow up on you vote, no matter where you are, to make sure your vote was counted. If you're worried about vote fraud, bring in a camera phone and make sure you have documentation of your vote.