Gilda, I hate to say it, but based on that word, and correct me if I'm wrong, Christian essentially means you believe what Christ said, which is assumed to mean Jesus. From what I understand, he said "Hey, I'm dying for your sins, your forgiven, forever and ever. But it's conditional, you have to accept that I exist, and I love you." or something like that. But he did say that you will go to hell if you don't believe in him.
So to be a christian, you must believe in christ, and everything he said must be taken as truth. You can ignore everyone else all you want to, but the things he said- yup. Gotta listen to those. So if he said that, and its up to you to do the homework as I don't crack open a bible too often (I think I could only find a king james version in this house anyways... hehe), and you choose to selectively believe... You are not a christian, and you are intentionally leading others to believe something that is not true. Have fun with that...
Oh, and the Unitarian Universalist's are NOT a christian organization. Do not state that. "Many Christians are fine with hmosexuality and gay weddings. UUA, MCC, and Episcopaleans, for example."
As for why you don't intentionally stir other peoples feathers by upholding what they believe to be proper... perhaps he believed it proper not to misrepresent himself to other people. I would. I dread the day I end up making a sworn statement in court, because I won't touch that bible. I don't care if the judge calls it contempt of court, because to me, it'd be contempt of court to swear on that bible, because I am indicating that that bible is going to make me tell the truth, and my actions would be in effect, a lie. It will go as high on the judicial chain as I can make it go, and I hope it reaches federal supreme, so I can finally get a straight answer on if there is seperation of church and state or not.