Originally Posted by guthmund
I find it a bit hypocritical on Starbuck's part to be so quick to condemn. She did what she had to do to survive, even if that meant getting cozy with Leoben. How can she hold others to a standard she can't even hold herself to? I guess it shouldn't surprise me all things considered, but boy, does it make it hard to like her sometimes.
Well she's probably really mad at herself, and possibly even blames herself on some level for her detention and the Stockholm's (not for any logical reason, but that's the way the human mind works). Her guilt is manafesting itself as anger - big surprise - and she's lashing out in every direction. I wonder if her seperation from Anders is going to be perminant.
As to Baltar, I also have to applaud the unmatched writing on BSG. As stated, the question of Baltar being antagonist or protagonist at the end of the day has never been fuzzier. Yes, he is a survivolist by nature, willing to do horrible things in order to go on living, but we did see hima t whit's end when Gaeta was holding a gun to Baltar's head in Ex part 2. Baltar appeared to be ready to die....or was that simply Baltar calling a bluff? The only person who knows for sure is Moore.