Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
even with high taxes (which dont have to be excessive) a large pot farm could produce pot dirt cheep, and undercut all the current black markets.
lets look at this from a purely economic standpoint.
2 people grow pot. One does it via the legal way and one does it illegally.
Now, the one doing it legally has to have a government agency apply their regulation, which costs money, and that increases the cost already. Now, add the tax, high or low it makes no difference, and that increases the cost even more. Now go to the guy doing it illegally. No regulation, no cost increases, no taxes. who's going to have a bigger share? most likely it will be the guy doing it legally, because the individual user will want to avoid legal issues, but there would still be a black market that you will never be able to get rid of.
If prohibition truly worked, or tight gov regulation and high taxes worked, we'd never had to deal with shine runners or gangsters with illegal machine guns.