Originally Posted by flstf
The same people who would get upset over the use of niggardly and assume the word has anything to do with race.
What I never quite understood about this story was why were those offended by the use of this word so quick to assume the person using it wanted to utter a racial slur. You would think they would realize they just heard a word that sounds something like a racial slur but give him the benefit of the doubt until they know the meaning. I mean, in the context the word was used, did they really think he intended to use a racial slur working for the government of a city that is over 90% black?
I still see it as a bit different. Yes, this fellow should have been able to use "niggardly" without repercussion, and those objecting should have dropped the objection as soon as it became apparent that they were the ones in error. I agree completely.
But this is a person in a situation where a little forethought would have seen that this innocent mistake was one that held the potential for the very good possibility that the word would be mistaken as being or being related to "nigger".
With "call a spade a spade", there is no parallel because "spade" is not primarily, on its face, a pejorative. I'd never heard it used in that way before this thread. The pejorative would be a tertiary meaning, with the primary being shovel and the secondary being the shovel-shaped pips on playing cards.
That said, I'll probably avoid using that particular phrase because of its potential to cause offense, not that I ever have that I remember.