Originally Posted by boatin
Seems like a great, well intentioned question from Host. It's a damn shame that no one can step up and answer the question. Fitting and not surprising...
I find the current political dichotomy to be very curious, as an actual conservative. Both the Republicans (neo-con socialists) and Democrats (greater-good socialists) want the same thing -- an all-encompassing federal government which can do any damned thing it wants. The only difference seems to be that Democrats want to mask that power as "for the greater good" while Republicans want to disguise it as patriotism. Sure, Republicans offer a tax cut every so often but all the while federal government spending grows and its power becomes even greater. Republicans are not conservative, Bush is not a conservative.
Now you may ask yourself, "why don't Republicans and Democrats just put aside their differences for a moment and work together to turn the USA into Soviet Russia?" The answer is that if they did so -- if they both showed their true colors, the American people would balk. Republicans and Democrats NEED their disguises for incrementally more socialist and facist policy. Americans had 12 years to see Republicans in power and in action. Since then we have had more rights stripped away and bigger government glut. Come November, they will have to examine their values and what they can do about the current situation. Most likely they will
vote Democrat instead of Republican, which will of course bring about no positive change. It's only when people look beyond the two nearly-identical major parties that we will see truly "progressive" policy to clear away the regressive socialist chains that have been pulled tight across this country.
The answer to host's question -- why anyone who supported Bush can still support him -- is simple: denial. Denial of the death of conservative policy in the two major parties, and denial of the need for change lest we become the United Socialist States of America in 20-50 years. The only way people can avoid noticing the oncoming train is by closing their eyes, covering their ears, and walking on the tracks while mumbling about how patriotic/selfless they are.