Well I was in such a rush to surprise my boyfriend and all thats why I didnt do the research. I knew that the place I went to did piercing because I had my tattoos done there. I just didnt know that the piercer was not the one that was there when I had had my tats done. The tattooist I had used had moved on to a new studio and the piercer followed him, but I was unaware of it. I found out after the fact. But like I said I got lucky and she is willing to do follow up with me and make sure things are ok. She is really a nice lady. I feel kind of bad that I didnt go to her in the first place, but I will definetly go to her to buy some jewlery! (Its the least I can do for her concern!)

SO far so good with the piercings, everything seems to be going ok. Im still digging it and so is the boyfriend so I will take it as it is and be happy. I guess I will have to look for 16 gauge bars for some of the stuff I bought though to make it work...some of the shields etc... any idea where to look for some of them? Thanks for the support by the way Sage and Lady Sage you two are the greatest!