Originally Posted by NCB
Sorry host, but youre absolutely a gutless, selfish, and arrogant human being that you think so little of your stepson
This has got to be the biggest, most unadulterated steaming pile of shit I've ever read on this forum. Host wants the soldiers, including his stepson, to come home. Host wishes the soldiers, including his stepson, had never been sent off to fight this illegal, immoral, and completely unjustified war. It's an amazing and idiotic world when the people foaming at the mouth to send young kids overseas to die and be maimed by the tens of thousands are "supporting" the troops, while those of us who want them safely at home bouncing their children on their knee are suddenly anti-soldier. It's complete Orwellian bullshit, and it never ceases to amaze me how many people buy in to it without even bothering to question the matter.
The man is putting his life out on the line for your country
No he is not. He is putting his life out on the line in an effort to make us more unsafe. He doesn't realize it, but that's exactly what the war in Iraq has done. I of course hold no animosity for the soldiers who are over there - they're following orders - but I do feel terribly for them that they are fighting and dying in order to bring us further away from our goal.
(probably something you never did) and you just berate him like that.
He's not berating the kid- - - the kid IS swallowing the same line of crap that fewer and fewer Americans are accepting. And I can understand why - the kid only has access to news that the government WANTS him to have access to. They don't get NPR in the desert. You take a kid and isolate him from the world and then tell him that a bad man in the desert is helping the people who attacked us and hell yes, he's gonna be gung ho for his cause, and well he should be. The shame lies with the snivelling dogs back home (most of whom did not themselves serve as you seem to think is so terribly important to have done in order to have an opinion on this) who tell baldfaced lies in order to send those kids off to die.