host, you asked a lot of questions in your opening post.
Originally Posted by host
I'm not asking you to "win me over" to all things republican. I'm just asking for reasons why I should be proud of my stepson's service, and of his commander in chief........why I should overlook what I see and what I post about on these threads. What is the "higher calling" that you, as republican supporters must continue your support and defense of the status quo....that I don't see? What would Nancy Pelosi do....if she became House Speaker, that would be worse than what Dennis Hastert has done..... he fired the ethics committee when it found against the ethics of Tom Delay....
But what is the thread about is it about this?
Originally Posted by host
Those of you who disagree with me, know what I'm talking about. Not even one justification has been posted to defend the worthiness, truthfulness, of the US administration or of it's latest arguments for continued military action.
or is it about this?
Originally Posted by host
I'm just asking for reasons why I should be proud of my stepson's service
or both?
If this thread was able to help you find a way to be proud of your stepson would you need to have justifications for waht Bush is doing?
Must the two go hand in hand or is there a way that we can help you find a way to be proud of your stepson?
The reason that I ask is even if every Bush supporter in the world were to list all their reasons, would any of them convince you? You said it yourself that you are not looking to be convinced.
What are you looking for from this thread?
- Are you looking for a way to be proud of your stepson?
- Are you looking to find a way to understand the Bush camp?
I don't think that those two must happen together, but I am not in the situation you are in with your stepson.
Is the deeper question here (these questions are for everyone, not just host):
Can a parent be proud of a child even though that child is not acting accordiong to the parent's beliefs (morals, ethics, lifestyle) and values?
- What if your child was a republican and you are a democrat?
- What if your child wanted to marry somone outside of your religin and religion is important to you?
- What if your child operated a business that is legal but that you consider moral and unethical?
Can you be proud of that child?
These are hard questions. But deep down, I think that a good parent has to find a way to still give the child what he needs but without necessarily condoning what they do?
is there a way that you can be proud of your stepson (if that is what he needs)?
- Can you be proud of the good job he does?
- Can you be proud of the respect he commands from his peers, those below, and those above him?
- Can you be proud of the way he is strong enough to stand up and take action for what he believes in?
- Can you be proud that he is able to have discussions and arguments with you and still respect you (I am guessing on this one but I assume he does)?
Does this help at all?