Originally Posted by Paq
at any rate, i have nothing but respect for the US soldiers doing what they believe.

I feel the same.
It is unfortunate that in 3 years my son's half brother will be of age to enter the military, and that the only way he believes he will get to college is by joining the military and possibly a war that he doesn't want to go to but may have to. He sees his mother's brother suffer everyday from Gulf War Syndrome and he knows the pain of war. I am ashamed that my country has given our children that belief and that we here at home don't change that reality.
Let us remember, that not everyone in the military or in the war believe that this war is righteous or even moral, but they do what they must to stay alive. The men and women who fall into this category also deserve our respect, pride and prayers, perhaps even moreso because our country gave them no hope to a better life.