I would like to say that T-Mobile has actually worked very hard to get me compensated for my troubles. They did credit me for all of my overdraft fees, and when I told them about my car insurance being cancelled (I am definitely ditching the insurance company btw) they were very apologetic, sent me to Advanced Customer Care, and the guy there took excellent care of me .
I was seriously considering switching carriers, but they offered me $200 off of a $350 phone that had mentioned being interested in previously.. yeah, I'll take my Blackberry Pearl for $150 and call us even now. Thanks guys.
Honestly, now that I've had some time to cool down, I do think they did a very good job of fixing their mistake. The auto-debit is turned off now, I'll be paying all future bills by check, etc. I'm pretty satisfied now.
I am pretty pissed off at the insurance company though.
The bank also did me ok, they refunded 2 of my 3 overdraft charges.
Thanks everyone.