Originally Posted by host
you might begin to wonder it Mojo, Ustwo, et al, arw correct in their pronouncements about Islam, or whether their opinions are heavily influenced by neocon propagandists, John Rendon, and "the Rand Corporation with financial help from the Smith Richardson Foundation, a conservative trust fund which hands out more than $120 million a year to universities and other research organisations..... As much as anything else, folks, the negative PR intended to divide and conquer Islam, is about control of the oil, and other neocon and corporatist ambitions of global dominance...
You, sir, are paranoid. So its all just one big conspiracy to get the oil and the folk on the right are too stupid and blind to notice. There's no such thing as islamofascists and militant islam is only a problem in conservative thought, not in the "real world" where, I assume, you reside.
Arguing, debating, or whatever its called, with a position such as yours is pointless to say the least. I'd much rather prefer to hear what Ch'i and DC_dux have to say, what they think. At least it contains substance. Sure beats hearing "its teh proaganda!!!!11!! you only 'know what you know' because your too stupid to think for yourself" bit I hear from you on any number of issues.
ps. you forgot the reverse vampires.