car was a wedding present buddy, stay on topic or find another thread, obviously I don't care for your lack of advice, and as I have said repeatedly, I'm looking for advice on legal options, not personal insults from a kid that likes to annoy people with his very uninformed opinion.
BTW, I only posted the part of the story that was necessary for discussion of legal options, not judgement of another person's moral integrity, as you seem determined to derail this conversation towards. As I said, who is acting childish??? Grow up and try to post on topic just once, I dare you (knowing full well that you wouldn't even bother to try).
Originally Posted by shakran
and as we have stated repeatedly, this part of your story smells fishy.[/B]
It's not your position to judge this part of my story, I asked for advice based on a statement, take it for what was stated and don't fill in the blanks yourself. If your so determined to tell me that you know what happened in each accident, then give me a rundown of the dates, times and situations yourself. The probability of that many accidents is low, however it is by no means impossible as it did happen. I personally have rear ended someone by not staying far enough behind in the rain, but it was my fault, not that of the jerk who stopped in the middle of a perfectly clear road because I cut him off earlier, it was still my fault. If your soooo desperate to hear the story of every accident, I'll tell you about all the accidents that occured while she and her husband were moving. First one, they were driving and a idiot swerved into there lane and hit them head on, he admitted fault. Second accident was when she stalled the car at a stop light and the old lady behind her just started driving when the light turned green. Third her husband was hit while sitting in the car at a gas station. Fourth, she was hit last week in rush hour traffic when traffic stopped ahead of her and the lady behind was tailgating. Best of all, none of this is relevant to lawyers, and I just wasted an hour on the phone getting the exact details of all her accidents to make some judgemental stranger stop posting useless insults on my thread about traffic court lawyers. Now can we PLEASE get on topic?