I had something like this happen to my family yesterday. We were at Border's Books in downtown Portland, my parents, my SO, and I. We had browsed the stacks for a while before deciding on some purchases. We approach the register, and stand in line for a good 10 minutes while this cashier utterly incapable of intelligent thought helps out the people in front of us. Meanwhile, another lady has come to stand in line, so there are three people--my dad, myself, and this lady--waiting to make purchases. Does the guy call for another cashier? Yes. But what does she do? Instead of waiting on us, she assists the guy in finalizing his sale and visits with the people for a while, like we're not even there.
We bitched on the way out about it, and my mother was trailing along behind us after having bitched out the cashiers for ignoring us for so long, especially when there were other employees on the floor IN CLEAR VIEW of the registers. As we walked by the coffee shop on the way out, I guess one of the employees there was making fun of us for being upset at the way we were treated. My mother stopped and bitched her out too.
Guess we won't be going back to Borders in Portland.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau