In most states, 30+ over the speed limit is reckless driving. a criminal offense, so she's lucky if the ticket was only for speeding, which is an infraction, not a crime. As for getting an attorney, most states have a pretrial deferral program, usually available to persons not going more than 15 mph over the speed limit, which results in a dismissal of the ticket, if there are no subsequent speeding tickets during the deferral period (usually 6 months). Rules can be bent, where an attorney is involved, such that the deferral program may be made available to her. I'd suggest that she call an attorney who practises in the county and court where the ticket is pending, and ask, first, if there is a pretrial deferral program that she could qualify for, and assuming so, what the fees and costs of that would be, including the attorney's fees. It might be expensive, but less so than the cost of insurance, with a 30+ speeding ticket thrown in on top of her accident hx. By the way, if she has been involved in 9 accidents in 1 1/2 yrs, the issue of fault aside, she may want to consider alternative means of transportation.