Got a new Computer (not what you think)
I got a computer from a friend, he works in a bank & they have thousands. Its really old & please dont laugh when you read the spec:
P166 MMX
64 Mgs ram
Win 98
No Cd or soundcard (thyell be installed this weekend).
2 Gig HD.
I know its a piece of shit but this is a second pooter & I use this one for net, games, etc etc...
I was thinking about installing a new OS on it, something other than windows. Just to get used to using something else.
Id like to play my emulators on it if its up to the job, snes, genesis, gba, etc.
Other than that it probably will be used just for playing music & Ive started writing a diary on it that may at one stage end up on the journals section here on TFP.
My Q to youz are these:
What OS should I get, keeping in mind the tragically low spec?
Will it play emulators?
Will it suppourt MP3's
Any other ideas?
Thanks for your time.