By no means should you say you don't know anything. Everyone in this world has the potential to learn new things. I always entertain new ideas and thought processes, even if they don't agree with mine, as in UsTwo. I respect everyones opinion. And yes, you are right, nobody can guarantee their opinions are right, that is why we call them opinions: A person's personal thoughts, not a case in facts. So there really is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to opinions. As far as our location? I know of about 2 hundered couples in our town alone that are active in the swinging community. Not personally, but by proxy. is that large? maybe not, but this is a bit of a conservative town. Maybe my idea of what a large number of swingers is is different, who knows? I just know that I can find just as many people that are swingers around this area as their are gay and lesbian couples, and I keep hearing how large the gay/lesbian groups are in our community, so i figure the swingers are a large group as well.
It is true that some couples come into our circle so-to-speak looking for a solution to an existing problem, and they will eventually fail. Maybe nottoday, tomorrow, or next week, but yes, they will fail. But I feel like it is being said here that the majority of swingers are like that, and it just ain't so. I would put the percentage at less than 5% in my life experience. Maybe I hang out with a different group of swingers?
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison