Originally Posted by Rohwer
I write them for anything that you cannot pay online. I would rather send a check then waste gas driving aorund town to use my credit card. But everthing i can use my cc for i will use it.
Actually, that reminds me that we kind of do both. Those of you who know us won't be surprised to know that we find romance in unusual ways, and we've always found it to be romantic to physically drive around town and pay bills in person. We've always done it for as long as we've been together.
Some bills have to be mailed, but there are about 6 of them that are right there in town. So rather than waste stamps, we waste gas. We drive place to place - talking, listening to music, laughing at other drivers, dreaming our future, getting snacks - and I drop the checks into the night deposit drop. It's always daytime, but it would ruin our "flow" for me to go inside and have to deal with another human, so I just drop it off and away we go.
That single act of paying bills in person is the symbolic "closing of the books" for us each month, and we consider ourselves "done" with bills for another month. I think we actually look forward to it.
If the banks did away with checks, we'd be sad.