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Old 09-20-2006, 05:22 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
I did NOT start this off with a death threat. I simply said he should be tried and executed, via due process, which is in NO WAY a death threat. Please do not attribute statements to me that were never made.
If you can show me anywhere in the constitution that allows for federal judges to be impeached AND executed I will happily retract my statement. "Due process"? The process you're describing is constitutionally impossible unless he's guilty of treason or espionage, and you've made no statements to that effect or presented any evidence of those crimes.

Impeachment removes the party from office. Period. There is no jail time involved. Period. Criminal charges may be pursued in parrallel with impeachment, but they are two completely separate processes working through two completely separate branches of government - impeachment through the Senate and criminal charges through the judicial system.

Face it, you literally called for the guy's head because you don't agree with his decisions, and it's very different than calling for his impeachment. Dk, I know you have a good working knowledge of the Constitution, and you should know all of this. That's my entire problem with this thread.
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