Hey man, the problem is technology is always moving forward. As soon as it is unwrapped, bang!, there comes something better. Vista is "supposedly" being released between Q1 and Q2 of 07. From experience, Microsoft never delivers on time. Also, you never ever want to pick up the initial release of a Microsoft OS. Way buggy as hell. Sure, the hot fixes and patches will be available for download, but do you really want to deal with that? Best wait at least a year and let the dust settle. Then, make your move. As far as buying a new PC... if the one you have is doing the job, the best bet is to wait as long as you can. The latest and greatest technology of today will be on the clearance racks of tomorrow. If you can't play the stuff you want, then upgrade soon. Heed the advice of cyrnel and Deltona, wait until the holiday season is upon us and the deals are hot. I try to replace my rig every 3 years or so.
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