Originally Posted by MoonDog
Here are some definitions that I found for police state on the interweb (answers.com)_:
3) A police state is an authoritarian state which uses the police, especially secret police, to maintain and enforce political power, often through violent or arbitrary means. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism or other harsh means of social control. In a police state the police are not subject to the rule of law and there is no meaningful distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.
Ok, so somebody explain to me why some animals are more equal than others? Like this Illinois State Trooper who just had his illegal posession of a machine gun charge dropped.
This is a case about a man with a gun – in this case, a law enforcement officer for the Illinois State Police, Sergeant Vest. Charged with illegal transfer and possession of a machine gun, Vest faces not only the end of his law enforcement career, but also loss of liberty. Given that such punishment could be proper for illegal behavior, in this particular case, the Court finds it inappropriate to allow the case to proceed on the merits, as it deems the statutes discussed within are unconstitutionally vague as applied to Vest.
If this were any civilian, they'd be facing 10 years in prison for doing the same exact thing that this ISP officer did.
Tell me again, we're not a police state? or is it just Illinois?