Originally Posted by RonRyan85
While most replies to my questions were "NO I do not
think SPACE ALIENS exist" or are they taking people" and a
few guys tried to give funny answers ...you people are
not siding with Most Americans, according to the following
research report :
<Quote from a psychologist at Harvard>
"Despite any credible scientific evidence, most Americans believe
that space aliens have visited this planet and some of them
believe that they were actually abducted by aliens."
Most americans think Sadaam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 (or at least that used to be true - I'm not sure anymore), that doesn't make it true.
(Of course, I also have no idea if her data is correct, but I've heard similar survey results before so will give her the benefit of the doubt. The lowest figure I've heard is still in the 40% range)
I don't think I see your point here....